December 11, 2010: Nine PA3 members visited the Rescue Mission of Trenton for a morning of learning and service. Picture on left was
taken in the women’s emergency shelter. PA3 volunteers (pictured l-r) were Grace Penn ’99, Ed Andrews ’71, John Penrod *94, George
McLaughlin ’58, Tom Pyle ’76, Arlen Hastings ’80, Sara Hastings ’09, Tom
Hastings ’79, and Sunu Joseph p13.
According to its literature,
the Rescue Mission “helps struggling individuals in Trenton by providing
them with shelter, food, and substance abuse treatment.” This is an
understatement; the Rescue Mission, which occupies a full city block,
provides an impressive array of services and learning opportunities on
both an ongoing and emergency basis. It was abundantly clear that the
Rescue Mission takes seriously its commitment to “create an environment
where its clients can live with dignity, build self-esteem, and
experience love, responsibility and hope.”
OPPORTUNITIES: The Rescue Mission offers classes and individual tutoring
for its resident clients. Volunteers who are able to make a weekly
commitment are currently needed to teach a GED writing class (Mondays
from 5-6) and a basic computer skills class (Fridays from 1-2). There
are openings on Sundays at 11 and Tuesdays at 2 for volunteers who would
like to design their own classes. Tutors are needed weekdays from 5-6 ,
or on weekend mornings, to work with individuals. For more information
about ways to volunteer, click here. If you would like to volunteer, please contact Jennifer Sanderson of the Rescue Mission staff, with a copy to Arlen Hastings, PA3 Community Service chair, and identify yourself as a PA3 member.
you would like to volunteer but can't make a weekly commitment, the
Rescue Mission also welcomes volunteers on the first Saturday of every
month from 10:00-12:30 to assist in a variety of projects including
sorting clothing for the thrift store, painting and cleaning.
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PA3 Visits Rescue Mission of Trenton
Posted by Arlen about 14 years ago.