Princeton Area Alumni Association

Community Service: PA3 Caps Make Way for Hard Hats at Isles

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PA3 Caps Make Way for Hard Hats at Isles

April 17, 2010: PA3 members, spouses and offspring donned hard hats at the sixth PA3 Community Service Isles outing, where they demolished the interior of a future warehouse for Terracycle. The building, which Isles purchased in late 2009, is adjacent to the 19th century textile mill Isles is converting to a mixed-use, "green" village, where PA3 volunteers have worked in the past.
Special thanks to Joe Voigtsberger '82 and his daughter Kate for their perfect attendance at all six Isles volunteer days. Kudos also to the "heavyweight" crew for pulling down ceilings and knocking down walls: Joe, Mark Horning '79 with son Gareth, David Budd '79, Barry Zhang *94, Dan Hayes-Patterson '09, Richard Wong '95, and Dina Kravets '88 and her daughter Pearl. Other volunteers who pulled down siding, dismantled fixtures, toted debris to the dumpster, and otherwise helped out were Seamus Abshere '06, Laurel Goodell *83, Sara Hastings '09, Bettina Miguez '06, Richard's wife Jaime Wong, Kate, and your well-meaning but muscularly deficient Community Service chair, Arlen Hastings '80, who amused and/or terrified the Isles staff by using a power saw. (More pictures on Facebook.)

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Posted by Arlen almost 15 years ago.