Princeton Area Alumni Association

Community Service

Community service activities engage alumni with diverse interests from a range of classes throughout the PA3 region.... (More)

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Community Service at Roebling Park

September 19, 2010: A group of energetic alums came out on a beautiful, sunny Sunday to clear trails in Roebling Park, Trenton. Volunteers included Praduemn Goyal '92 and his wife and two teenagers (seated at table, foreground); Marian Zelazny p11 (seated, in stripes); Kristin Epstein '97, Arlen Hastings '80, Sara Hastings '09, Jonathan Peele '91, Philo Elmer '69 (standing, left to right); and Dan Hayes-Patterson '09 (behind the camera). Thank you to Philo for organizing the event and to everyone for the hard work on a hot day. (See Facebook for more pictures.)

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Posted by Arlen over 14 years ago.


PA3 Volunteers at Special Olympics

June 13, 2010: Thanks to the terrific group of PA3 volunteers who came out to help runners and jumpers in the Special Olympics of New Jersey Summer Games. Volunteers included David Budd '79 with wife Catherine and daughter Lauren; Liz Henry '88 with husband Keith and daughter Lauryn; Wu Suen *99 with daughter Helen; Grace Penn '99; Marian and Olek Zelazny p11; Nell Whiting so69 (so=significant other - that should be an official alumni designation, right?); Tom Hastings '79, Sara Hastings '09, and Arlen Hastings '80. Also in attendance to cheer on the athletes were PA3 president Kristin Epstein '97 and her two young daughters.

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Posted by Arlen over 14 years ago.


PA3 Volunteers Help Young Triathletes

April 18, 2010: A handful of PA3 volunteers turned out to guide and cheer on 3- to 12-year old participants in the YMCA Healthy Kids Triathlon on April 18. Sara Hastings '09, pictured, helped some of the youngest swimmers navigate the length of the pool.

Posted by Arlen almost 15 years ago.


PA3 Caps Make Way for Hard Hats at Isles

April 17, 2010: PA3 members, spouses and offspring donned hard hats at the sixth PA3 Community Service Isles outing, where they demolished the interior of a future warehouse for Terracycle. The building, which Isles purchased in late 2009, is adjacent to the 19th century textile mill Isles is converting to a mixed-use, "green" village, where PA3 volunteers have worked in the past.
Special thanks to Joe Voigtsberger '82 and his daughter Kate for their perfect attendance at all six Isles volunteer days. Kudos also to the "heavyweight" crew for pulling down ceilings and knocking down walls: Joe, Mark Horning '79 with son Gareth, David Budd '79, Barry Zhang *94, Dan Hayes-Patterson '09, Richard Wong '95, and Dina Kravets '88 and her daughter Pearl. Other volunteers who pulled down siding, dismantled fixtures, toted debris to the dumpster, and otherwise helped out were Seamus Abshere '06, Laurel Goodell *83, Sara Hastings '09, Bettina Miguez '06, Richard's wife Jaime Wong, Kate, and your well-meaning but muscularly deficient Community Service chair, Arlen Hastings '80, who amused and/or terrified the Isles staff by using a power saw. (More pictures on Facebook.)

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Posted by Arlen almost 15 years ago.


PA3 & Isles, Together Again

December 12, 2009: A group of PA3 volunteers - a strong core of regulars and a couple of newcomers - went to Isles on a chilly morning, this time to remove weeds and debris outside the Johnston Avenue building. After a tour of the transformed interior, the crew set to work clearing beds and removing trash. A big thank you to everyone for taking time during the busy holiday season to help out!

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Posted by Arlen about 15 years ago.
